With modern businesses putting a heavier emphasis on mobile technology, there is no avoiding getting into custom apps for companies. These apps can potentially interact with Microsoft Dynamics AX via web services to accomplish things previously not able. With this in mind, its important to start getting familiar with how to develop these apps.
I was attempting to build a Windows Phone 8.1 app through Visual Studio and using the emulator to test the code out and was getting errors in the build process.
The issue:
The app would start to build and deploy and then the emulator would pop up.
The emulator then displayed the message: 'Attempting to modify switch settings. Windows phone emulator is changing the settings of the Internal Switch so that your Emulator can function' (Figure 1).
I'd click 'OK' and then see the error 'Windows Phone Emulator is unable to connect to the Windows Phone operating system. The emulator is unable to determine the host IP address, which is used to communicate with the guest virtual machine. Some functionality might be disabled.' (Figure 2). The emulator would open (Figure 3) but my app wouldn't build. It was just a clean build of the Windows Phone emulator.
I'd then get a warning in Visual Studio indicating that there were errors and would I like to continue. The two Visual Studio build errors were the same: 'Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Connecting to the device': ObjectDisposedException - 0x80131622' (Figure 4).
This is where things came to a screeching halt. I was not able to preview my app from this point forward.
Searching for the resolution:
This seemed like a common error online but no one seemed to have a working answer. I had to review around 10 different solutions and none of them worked for me. Maybe there is more than one thing that can cause this but no solution worked for my issue. The most drastic suggestion was uninstalling and reinstalling everything. No thanks. There has to be something else. And if I found it, I would post about it to hopefully save someone some time.
I basically just looked at the errors and poked around for a bit to find a solution. I had to keep rebuilding things after I made a single change to see if it did anything. If it didn't I'd revert the change back. I did this until I was able to come up with the solution. Kind of an educated deduction process.
The solution!!
I navigated to the network connection adapters and saw that there was one for the Windows Phone Emulator that was disabled. I didn't disabled it and something in my system (a firewall, permissions, adapter, etc) must've prevented it from automatically enabling. I manually enabled it and things started to work. This is all seen in Figure 5.
The working solution:
Once the adapter was enabled, I tried to build and redeploy the app just like before. When I did this, I saw the emulator start (Figure 6) and get to the main Windows Phone screen without any more errors or warnings. (Figure 7). There were zero popups. This may take some time for the build to get to this point so be patient.
Once the emulator was up, after about 5 seconds or so, the app I was trying to build would automatically load (Figure 8). My app didn't have a splash screen graphic so my picture below was just a black screen with a square with an X through it. After another 2-3 seconds, the app would load successfully (Figure 9) and I was able to interact with my app.
That's it! Hope this helps someone!
Figure 1 - Warning: 'Attempting to modify switch settings. Windows phone emulator is changing the settings of the Internal Switch so that your Emulator can function'
Figure 2 - Error: 'Windows Phone Emulator is unable to connect to the Windows Phone operating system. The emulator is unable to determine the host IP address, which is used to communicate with the guest virtual machine. Some functionality might be disabled.'
Figure 3 - The emulator would open and operate but the program I was trying to build wouldn't appear.
Figure 4 - The two Visual Studio errors that would happen from the build process
Figure 5 - The solution!!! I just enabled the adapter
Figure 6 - The screen when the app is redeployed with the change in Figure 5
Figure 7 - The WP emulator comes up but just stays on the screen.
Figure 8 - The app I tried to deploy then automatically cause the emulator screen to pop this up. Because I have no splash screen image, its a square box and an 'X'.
Figure 9 - My working default app successfully working!