Monday, March 21, 2011

Consume AIF Inventory On Hand web service in AX PART 1 - SOAP request

Sample XML consumption in C# code to AIF Inventory On Hand. This is from AX 4.0 but I think it's the same in AX 2009.
     string strSoapEnvelope = "";
     string responseString = "";

     // Build SOAP envelope
     strSoapEnvelope = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:soap12=\"\">";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<soap12:Body>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<findListInventoryOnhand xmlns=\"\">";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<DocumentContext>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<MessageId>" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "</MessageId>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<SourceEndpointUser> DOMAIN \\WEBSERVICESUSER</SourceEndpointUser>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<SourceEndpoint>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</SourceEndpoint>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<DestinationEndpoint>ENDPOINT NAME</DestinationEndpoint>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "</DocumentContext>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<QueryCriteria xmlns=\"\">";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<CriteriaElement>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<DataSourceName>InventSum</DataSourceName>"; strSoapEnvelope += "<FieldName>ItemId</FieldName>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<Operator>Equal</Operator>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "<Value1>YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY</Value1>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "</CriteriaElement>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "</QueryCriteria>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "</findListInventoryOnhand>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "</soap12:Body>";
     strSoapEnvelope += "</soap12:Envelope>";
     MSXML2.XMLHTTP xmlHTTP = new XMLHTTP();"Post", "http://ZZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZZ:ZZZZ/inventoryonhandservice.asmx", false, @"DOMAIN\WEBSERVICESUSER", " PASSWORD");
     xmlHTTP.setRequestHeader("Host", "99.999.99.99");
     xmlHTTP.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", strSoapEnvelope.Length.ToString());
     xmlHTTP.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8");

     responseString = xmlHTTP.responseText.ToString();
     MessageBox.Show(string.Format("XML: {0}", responseString.ToString()));

     WebClient webby = new WebClient();
     webby.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
     webby.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("WEBSERVICESUSER ", "PASSWORD", " DOMAIN");
     webby.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/xml;");
     string stuff = webby.UploadString("http://99.999.99.999/inventoryonhandservice.asmx", "POST", strSoapEnvelope.ToString());

catch (Exception ex)


  1. Hi DAXDude,

    Please can you provide complete steps to implement this example.
    I'm unable to do the above example.

    Ambanna Yatnal

  2. Ambanna,

    This example was used in a C# application I wrote to test a few customers' external facing webservices. It is just a generic SOAP consumption of the onhand inventory service.

    Do you know what the XML request/response should look like for your service?

    I was fortunate enough to be able to talk to one of the leads on this area from the AX product group and it has undergone a ton of fantastic changes. There are a bunch of options to consume it in the new version.

    If I can ask, what are you trying to accomplish?


  3. Hi Dude

    Keep working ,great job!
    Awesome post
