Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Southwest Companion Pass Direct Link

I was attempting to book a companion pass via Southwest and for some reason, the option to add a companion sometimes doesn't show up with my reservation for quite some time. Not sure why this is the case but I always want to book the companion right after I book my ticket so it doesn't fill up or I forget.

I found this trolling around on the net and confirmed it works perfectly! You can copy and paste the below URL in your web browser and replace the bolded confirmation number below with your confirmation number from the account with companion pass and it goes straight there. No need to wait! I use it now over any other option.

If you're unfamiliar with Southwest's companion pass, its the best frequent flier benefit in the skies today. You can book a flight with dollars OR points and one designated person (can only change 3 times in a year) can fly with you for $2.50 each segment (TSA fee). It's basically buy one get one free. There is no restriction on how many times you can do this in a year. It won't work for flights though AirTran. Simply fly 100 qualifying one-way flights or earn 110,000 Qualifying Points in one calendar year.