So, let me preface by saying this post is pretty much worthless. there is nothing technical in it whatsoever. I doubt I will get any hits on it at all. If I do, I hope everyone who reads this appreciates that I wrote it with the expectation no one will truly read it.
Ever since I was young, for some strange hoarding reason, I've collected hotel toiletries. It sounds stupid when categorizing a collection of things that are used on a (hopefully) daily or bi-daily basis in a term that sound like an object you crap in... Toiletries are necessities in a zombie apocolypse: shampoo, conditioner, face soap, body soap, hand soap, liquid soap, Q-Tips, mouthwash, etc. I'll happily sell you them at a premium. I'll also trade for gold and silver.
These are a huge draw for me and I have stock piled so many I could keep a small army clean for a small war. Some would smell like Aveda sandalwood and others as Peter Thomas Roth Grapefruit with exfoliating beads. An unlucky few would smell like cheap mountain rain from an cheap hotel branded product line.
Anyways, I always size up a hotel by the toiletries. I've stayed at places that span from $80 - $800 a night in Hiltons, Marriotts, Four Seasons, etc and one of the most constant comparisons to quality is the toiletries. Maybe I'll create a blog post where I try to detail out what places have what. Probably not but whatever. Just wanted to write about it because I can and this is my domain.