This feature could be used for something like providing valuable tips to the user when they first log into AX or a form/module.
This is easily accomplished using AX's Box function:
Box::okCancelOnceModal(_captionStr, _headerStr, _infoStr, _ownerStr)
This call does not return a DialogButton enum like the other OkCancel prompts. It will instead return a boolean.
//Sample Code
if (this.checkUserQueryCriteria)
return Box::okCancelOnceModal('Checking query','@SYS70764', 'This could take a while...', 'Fun Times Example');
return true;
USERFUL TIP: You can access the usage data by going to the Options form (Dynamics AX Menu -> Tools -> 'Options'), then clicked the 'Usage data' button. Under here, find the appropriate place where the call is located. In AX 2009, it is under the 'Jobs' tab with a 'System name' of 'BoxInfoOnce'. Yours will be the one with the 'More Info' you put in the string (in my code example it is 'Fun Times Example'). By highlighting the record, you can delete it so that it will prompt the user again.
I was recently asked 'Why would you use this?'. Fair question. There are many reasons but I'll cover two common ones.
Scenario 1: Let's assume that we are prompting a user with a query where they will enter criteria. They have the possibility of making the returned results considerably larger than they intended. We could do some kind of validation on the input (like check for a range) and if it meets some kind of criteria, prompt the user letting them know that the result set could be very large and would they like to continue. To some, this would be a great check they would like to consistently be reminded of. To others, it is one more click. Using this box would allow both parties to be happy.
Scenerio 2: You want to provide the user with helpful hints or information upon opening something. It may be a little 'Welcome' introduction or revolving tips that change over time that people may not want to see again. Its not for us to decide so we give the users the option to skip it.