Monday, December 28, 2009

How to prompt a user with a query window

This seems pretty straight forward but I've been asked it a few times so I'll write about it: "How can I display an interactive query window to the user in code that looks like the Advanced Query Tool?"

This can be done by taking the QueryRun value and running its method queryRun.prompt() which will return a Boolean value. If the user hits enter, the returned value will be true. If the user cancels out, the value will be false. For this reason, we would want to put this prompt in an if block:

Query query = new Query();
QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
QueryRun queryRun;

qbds = query.addDataSource(tableNum(CustTransOpen));
qbds.addRange(fieldNum(CustTransOpen, AccountNum));

queryRun = new QueryRun(query);

if (queryRun.prompt())
     // Run code

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Making independent Form Controls Mandatory or changing labels in code: AX 2009

Here is a quick code snippet to access some features of AX form controls that are not too obvious to get to.
In order to have total access to change whatever you want to AX form controls that are either tied to Datasources or just floating on their own to a form (like a filter), you have to grab the control from the form and set it equal to a form control variable.
In the example below, it is FormStringControl. This is helpful for making something like a combo box that is standalone in the form (like a filter).

FormStringControl formControl;
formControl ='NameOfField');
formControl.label("New Dynamic Runtime label");

You can also use control specific types like FormComboBoxControl but combo boxes are strings and the strings give you more options. Just remember that making a base enum could be a problem as default values for some of these are 0 which is a valid value. Only enums with a starting value of 1 would benefit from something like this as 0 would be an invalid value.